Yearning For The Badboy Mafia’s Love

Chapter 04


“Why do you have to do that , Father? At fifteen I can start working if you guys have told me about the situation, You know how cruel the family is and you didn’t think about how am going to feel ” I confronted my parents after they told me about the debt stuff.

“We are sorry Angel. We were so blinded back then and all we could think of is not to lose you to the child service” Mother said almost crying.

“That doesn’t have to make you a thief! If there’s any family you shouldn’t mess with, it’s Gotti’s”

There were silence…

“Father, you know he’s going to come today right? please don’t lie to me”

“Uhm… I wasn’t sure if he’s gonna come but the moment I heard a knock on the door while I was still in bed, I knew it was him.”

“Then, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Angel, we were scared you are gonna be angry with us and hate us forever for it, we thought we can get away from it and not involve you in it anymore”.

” Hate you? why should I hate you? Yes, am pretty upset but not with what you guys did, Am upset that I have to hear about this from another person” I sighed and pulled them into a hug.

For the very first time in twenty years of my life, I see tears from my father’s eyes as he cry like a baby.

“Am really sorry Angel”.

” It’s okay father. How long do I have to live with him? ” I asked breaking from the hug.

“I don’t know… a year or two. I promise you Calista, everything is going to be okay and you’ll come back to us. You have to do this because you love us, if you don’t then he’s going to kill your mother and I. Chase is not someone to mess with”

I nodded and was about to say something when one of Chase’s men came into the sitting room.

“Oh God!” My mother gasp and face palmed herself crying.

The guard dragged me up from where I was sitting, by now, I was already in tears.

This is the worst birthday ever. Waking up and realizing you’ve to go away from your family and live with someone you know little or nothing about with. I couldn’t even kiss my parents good bye or tell them how much I love them.

The guard dragged me to a black range rover and push me in, shutting the door.

The glass was tainted and so when the car came to life, I couldn’t see any one from outside.

The car stop once we were some couple of step away from my neighborhood. A man came into the range rover I was in and blind flooded me, then tied my hand behind me. I heard him shut the door and soon, the car began rolling.


From the apartment window, Emma saw Calista enter one of the five cars packed outside their apartment and soon after, the car drove off.

She turned to look at her Mother who was standing next to her also watching the scene. She shakes her head negatively and sat down.

Her mother had woke up to go make breakfast when she noticed the cars parked outside Calista’s apartment and she had drawn Emma’s attention to it.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Any apartment the Gotti’s visits, its always a bad news to the family”. Her Mother said from where she sat.

” Why did they take Calista with them, Mother? Does it mean I can’t see my best friend again? She just turned twenty and today should be one of her best days in life.”

“Come here Emma”. Mum waved at her and she went to her and cried.

” Calista is too precious to deserve that, What mistake could her family had committed against the Gotti’s?” Emma asked no one in particular.

“I don’t know , Emma. listen, I know Calista is like an older sister to you and it’s and will be pretty hard for you to wake up every morning without seeing her again….”

“Don’t say that Mother. Calista is going to come back, She’ll escape and she’s going to come back for me”.

Her Mum chuckle and rub her hair. ” The truth is bitter Emma”.

“This is Gotti’s family we are talking about. If Calista was chosen by Waylen or Rowan, the first and last son, there are chances that she is going to return if she serves them well. But this is Chase, the most cold hearted among the three brothers, no one he claims have ever returned.”


Rowan walked into Waylen’s apartment and meet him working on his laptop, His expression changed once he sees Rowan at the door.

Rowan heard him tell his guard to tell him off, but he was already in.

“Are you being serious Waylen? I came to visit you and you told your man not to let me in?” Rowan cautioned him , sitting down on the double couch in his room.

“What do you want?” He asked without looking at him.

“Father sent me to you” Rowan replied.

Waylen stop for a while and look up to him, then sighed. He stood up and walked over to his bathroom, Rowan didn’t bother him, he let him have his peace.

Minutes later, he walked back in.

“Why?” He said, looking at him.

“C’Mon Waylen. Why are doing this?, Am your kid brother and you seriously don’t have to be treating me like am just a piece of shit. Where is the love we both shared? You took….”

“Shut the fuck up and tell me what you’re here for dick!” He yelled grabbing Rowan’s collar.

Rowan stare deep into his eyes but he was so angered.

“I wonder where all this hatred comes from. Go on, hit me! punch me I dare you!” Rowan yelled back at him.

Waylen raised his hand up in an attempt to hit him but he stopped half way, his hand was shaking already and that’s a sign that he was already too angered. He let go of Rowan’s collar and sigh.

“I need a smoke” He muttered.

Rowan watch him walk away from him and walk to his side desk, he pick up the pack of Cigarette and took out a stick, he lights it and puff out the smoke.

“Have you heard from Olivia and Mum? ” Rowan asked him and walk back to sit down.

“No, why?”

“Father is worried about Olivia, she haven’t call in for two days now.”

“Are you fuckin me? It’s just two days and not forever, does Dad really have to create a big deal out of everything. If he misses her , he can go get her in America ‘. He said and stared out of the window.

” That’s not why am here though. Dad said the Russians are shipping some drugs to the new warehouse, he wants me to go with you this time” Rowan said and he just turned to him and scoff.

“How old are you again? 13? Goodness me, you suck!”

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