Shawn Grey Fortelle




A man in a black business suit came inside the private car of Fortelle family.

Which is a luxury car from a big and beautiful family, the Fortelle.

The man in a black suit has dark gray eyes which is a manly eye.

He is also tall having a fair skin which also balance his charismatic charm and have a strong sex appeal that can catch an eye of every female.

His body is also muscular because he pet gym.

But one personality he have because he is also a womanizer and he is cold and only take the girl which is his type.

The girl he likes is sophisticated and sexy or even a beautiful and classic girl and mostly of these characters is expert in pleasure, not the innocent one, because he once love a person who is innocent but in the end that girl cheated on him and run away with other guy.

He just arrived from the airport and now he was going home.

His Dad sent him home because he told him it was an emergency.

He didn’t know why but he just came home from the US because he knew his dad needed him.

“Welcome home young master!” The maids greeted him.

He just nodded as a sign of ok so the maids arranged his luggage and he immediately sat on their sofa to rest but he was drowsy so he took the elevator in their mansion to get to his room immediately.

Their mansion is like a puzzle because there are many secret basements and secret gateways or there is an underground way.

He just rubbed his head before he fell asleep in his master bed. While downstairs, they were busy arranging food for Gray.

He almost slept all night because he was also tired from his trip.

After taking a bath, he went downstairs to eat at least before going to his dad’s office.

After eating, he went straight on his car which is very eye-catching, a color rosy red and black sports car which is very expensive for a billionaire like him.

He wears his formal business suit which make him look cooler than before.

After a minute of driving…

He parked his car in the private area which is only for VIPs and business man in unit.

He first looked at his dad’s tall company building which he will inherit someday.

Here you will find the letter FRTL which are the synonyms of their clan, the FORTELLE.

Their company focuses on variant business, it has its own Shipping branch nationwide, has airlines branch, hotels and luxury branch and they also have branches in marketing, malls, private business, technologies and so on.

While the company in front of him now is the main company of the FRTL company that’s why he went inside.

He was about to enter in case he noticed that the employees were stunned to see him so he just let it go, after all he was used to being feasted on by the eyes of the crowd, especially women but not one of his female employees was less than half of his standards.

For him, the girl is just a toy because in his eyes they are all dolls which are dressed in a beautiful way but they are not faithfully in love in other way that’s why I don’t trust them.

He was greeted by a woman wearing a yellow and black striped pencil cut dress which is commonly worn by assistants and secretaries, or even the girls employees.

He greeted her with a smile. Well, to tell her that it looks good but she only went on half of her expectations, she still hasn’t passed her rating, unlucky to his eye.

He also feels the flirty aura of this lady that’s why he didn’t respond to any of his bubbling and reactions.

“Good morning sir, please let me take you to your father, this way please.”Patty imitated him in her dad’s office.

The door closed when Patty went inside together with him.

He saw his father sitting in his swivel chair.

But when he saw her, he immediately signaled Patty to come out and Patty just vowed her head and went out with no choice.

Because that was the first time she was let out of their Boss office because she felt that she was important to the boss even if she had a guest because it lets him listen to them.

She is a high rated assistant of Sir Showne so almost all the women in the office are admired and on the other hand hate and envy her because of his bossy behavior once.

She left and went to her office.

“Hijo you’re here already, it’s good.”His dad greeted him.

He greeted him with a hug. His father was in his late fifties but his intellect still did not fade when it came to business.

Well, it is true but there are also others who lift more in the business depending on the intellect and strategy including dad’s employees as well.

He is Showne Drey Fortelle who got his name Shawn Gray while his mother is Hermione Fortelle, who is half American and Filipina with a good family background and his dad’s age is not far apart so it is good for them.

He sat down in front of his dad’s swivel chair before he spoke.

“So, what’s the matter dad?” He asked in a good manner. His dad sat down before staring at him for a few seconds.

“Well, I thought …”dad

“Did you think that?” I asked

“Well, I thought I would give you what you will inherit so that you can start to manage and learn about our business but …”dad

“But what dad? tell me to the point no more suspense ..”I said because my dad really likes suspense

Then his father laughed in a second before continuing what he meant.

“But you need to find a wife and make an heir as soon as possible. Because if not…” dad

His eyes narrowed at what his father said. It is true that he dreams of having his right as heir, but in return he will find a wife and to the heck, he will make an heir that fast. What the F!This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Dad, what’s with the hurry for you to have a grandchild? And a wife to present for you? Where should I find that girl you asked for? And what will happen if I don’t comply with your request?”He asked as if he wasn’t able to believe his father.

Is this really his father? The heck, he is only twenty five and yet his father wants a daughter-in-law and a second heir for the family. It’s all crazy, damn crazy like hell!

“Well, if you don’t want to, I’ll tell your mother that she’s the one to find a wife for you and you know what I mean…” He said which made her even more annoyed and depressed in her mind.

`My mother is not good if she’s the one to choose a wife for me.

And he will not allow his mother to find his wife.

It’s not good because maybe a beautiful but mentally idiot can marry her, no way.`

“Fine! I’ll look for a wife and make a baby as soon as possible.! But give me more time to find.”I said which made his father laugh even harder as he frowned.

Apparently, his father got the meaning of his askin-face and immediately stopped.

“Don’t worry son, I’ll give you three months or more months, the important thing is until you find someone who can melt your ego and give you a cutieee …. and I need to remind you that in that three months or more, no womanizing understood?!”then his father look at his watch

“So I better need to go because your mother wants me to help her in decorating ..”

” Dad! how can I do that?”he just can’t believe what his father said.

“So, how about my allowance for finding a wife?” He asked …

“Hmmm … here get this (then his father thrown him a black card) and it’s up to you.. but wait, then if you are bored just come here to visit and let you manage the observation in the company for you not to be bored exactly. But it depends on you.”then his father left

He cursed after the shadow of his father was empty, there was a knock but he just ignored it.

He was still sitting when his dad’s assistant came in.

“Ahhm, sir … Sir is telling you that if you need anything, call me-” he cut her out

“I know Ms. Patty, so better leave!” I said with irritation because of the frustrated situation and stress poker my face that’s why maybe the woman noticed so she just frowned and left out of embarrassment.

Well he is rude but it was him what can he do, it’s the real Gray of him.

Patty is not in a good mood when some of her office mate ask her.

“Patty! How is it? You are so lucky to have met and talked to sir Gray … ayyiieee!” Lanie orth haired one

“Yeah, it’s enviable!”Blessie said, the thick face bitch.

She smiled at them fakely before saying,

“Well he is lethaly handsome and hot.”then she continued walking .. But after that her expression turned into bad mood.

“Tsk! what a guy! you just wait..”she said

The gossips of her office mate but only half the faces of them facing him. Because they can be her rival and pretender to be good which is not good. But she is more good in acting and more bad than them than you thought.

Because in her vocabulary, if she likes something, she can get it if she wanted too.

It’s just that she seems hesitant to be noticed by her Prince charming Gray Fortelle because she’s feeling it has no interest in her.

But someday she will also attract it and she will make a way until this guy will give in to her. What can she do that was her? Lethaly bitch in love with their future CEO … Gray Fortelle

Before Gray left, his brain was full of what his father said as if it was echoing in his mind.

“No womanizing!”

“No womanizing!”

“No womanizing!” …. damn! he just said that until he got inside his car.

~~~ While in the back of his car stood Guine who had been walking to go to his mother’s publishing company.

She was ordered to give his mother’s new work to the publishing company for publication. That’s why she looked at the blocked vehicle because she was waiting for it to leave there to give his intention because for a long time he had not been able to find a job even though she was hungry so she would go just to find the publishing company of FRTL.

Alas, if it wasn’t for the length of traffic earlier, she would have given what she wanted earlier.

Now this is another car that is blocking the road. She could not get in because she might scratch the cars if she just passed by the edges.

But after a while she noticed that the owner of the car was leaving, so she gave way.


On the way around, inside the car was Grey who are about to drive his car away but was sudden stopped by a lady who are walking and by her looks, he was stunned for a moment.

She’s huggard but when you look at her, damn she’s hot and lethaly beautiful but her curves is more tempting while her reddish lips which exuded sexy taste impression in his eyes, it pleases him to touch it.

That’s why he suddenly broke the accelerator on what he saw on the lady’s back.

what the heck !!

Then he got out of the car and followed the woman carrying his business suit partner of his polo jacket. I think the woman felt my breaking suddenly so she looked at me suddenly.

When our eyes met he didn’t know but it was even more beautiful up close.

Her angelic face with simple light make-up and a simple dress which is not revealing.

In his mind,

‘his is the girl that in his type did have similar but on the other side their is contradiction. So how did that happen to become different in his eyes but damn! Those eyes of her is burning like fire that is looking at him like seducing a wolf on his dens.’


Guine stopped walking when she noticed the strong breaking of the vehicle that should have left earlier.

The owner came down but when she saw the young man, she suddenly lost his mind looking for a job because the person washed it away by his handsomely presence and by the looks of this guy, he is rich well informed because of his aura.

Her thought that what she read about his mother’s characters was untrue because this one only testified that there was such a character but she did not expect that now she would see one.

“Hey woman!” He said to her before he could speak then he lifted her into his car which shocked him.

But for some unknown reason, she did not shout or be hysterical at what he did because she was already in the car of the sharp man he was sitting in his business suit jacket.

She was about to leave but he told her,

“You stay still, don’t make movements, Miss!”he commanded


She was surprised by the tone of his speech.

‘It looks like he’s still angry.’in Guine’s mind but she remembered that she was going to submit the book of her mother and she was looking for a job. He returned on her senses.

“Put me down! Now!” She said to Grey’s who is surprise then he brakes hard.

Her brakes seem to have been strengthened a bit so the woman got a little lost in her car.

It’s not the words that she said but the way she spoke those words which is good and pleasing in his ear, even if any words will come out from it.

But he did not look at the woman but stared at him.

No woman had bothered him yet so he continued driving but she was even more bored so she spoke again.

“Who are you? And where will you take me? My God! It’s bad to kidnap-”

I cut off what she wanted to say and turned to her.

“Miss, I’m not kidnapping you, instead I’m helping you so better let me help you or else I’ll really let you down now.”he said here that the woman was a bit surprised


Guine wondered why it would help him. Helping you !?

“What do you mean helping me?” She asked him.

The young man next to him laughed and looked at the woman whose ass was sitting.

So she covered it but it only made him laugh even harder. Then the man spoke again whose cheeks turned red.

“That … that thing you’re sitting is saving your dirty blood.”He told her which meant she already had a-red flag!

She thought she was wearing a white skirt business suit so it is likely that her skirt has been stained. You are embarrassing Guinevere ….

She only swallowed hard in ashame.


To be continued…

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