Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Sage Miller

Monday morning the bags were packed, flight book. Zac drove us to the airport and of course Wren

tagged along.

I'd flatter myself and say she couldn't get enough of me but she was her for Eve and I really couldn't

blame her though, my sister is hard not to love or get attached to her, ask Styles.

"Call me if you don't feel comfortable or you just wanna leave. I'll book you a flight or just come get you

myself." She instructed as she inspected Eve.

She had confessed to me that she was worried about Eve's mental stability. I agreed with her. I was

also worried.

"Ok mom, I think she gets it." Zac chuckled as he got his Wren off Eve.

"I also wanna say goodbye to her." I loved how they all fussed over her.

I wasn't jealous or envious. I was just happy she had more people that cared about her as much as I

am because let's face it. I'll die before I reach 20. Just thinking that if our trip goes well she'll have more

people to look after here when I no longer can brings me great relief.

I watched with a smile as they argued about who wants to hug. Eve just stood there uncomfortable.

My eyes moved to a familiar unwelcome figure casually approaching us with his hands in his pockets.

"I thought this was a family thing." I said loud enough for him to hear me.

He rolled his eyes.

"I didn't come for you little man." Mason said and Eve snapped her head up and her face lit up and I

groaned along with Zac.

Little man my ass.

"I came to say goodbye to my princess." He said looking at Eve.

Both Zac and I scoffed.

"I thought you were attending a meeting with you dad." Eve exclaimed happily.

Clearly she was the only person happy to see him her expect Wren but let's not count Wren because

she's too nice to dislike anyone or show her displeasure to anyone.

I didn't realize Zac had made his way next to me until he spoke.

"I don't like this." He pointed out.

"He's your friend. Get him to stop." I told him bitterly.

"Don't you think I've tried but it's Eve man. It would be like taking candy from a baby. How cruel will that

be, look at her, she smiles and laugh whenever he's around." He pointed out and I agreed. "She seems

happy, how can I take that away from her and you know her, she'll do whatever she goddamn please."

I hated that I saw what Zac meant, she's seemed a thousand times better whenever he's around. I

wasn't blind I saw it, every time he was around she looks more alive. Just a few minutes ago before he

came here she was sulking and brooding now she's all smiles.

"Honestly dude, it's weird. My sister friends with my best friend. I can't process it." I felt bad for his

sanity. I couldn't handle Eve being friends with either Connor or Sebastian, I know how they think, it'll

be too freaky and weird.

I chuckled.

"Sucks to be you." I said just as my phone vibrated indicating a new a text.

I took out my phone and almost choked on my spit.

'Get him away from her if you don't want me making an appreciate' the text was from Styles.

I reread the message again and again. I looked around the busy airport but didn't see any suspicious


The nerve of him for texting me or even stalking us when he's avoiding my calls all day yesterday.

I'm not angry he's stalking us. I've had a feeling he's been doing that for a while now.

Another massage popped. It's just annoying.

'Get a move on slowpoke and stop gauging you look ridiculous, now on it. I mean it' It was another text

from him.

Even though what I just read sounded deranged. I didn't want Eve seeing Styles.

I really wanted to go to Toronto and if she saw him. Things may get a little ugly and we'll end up not

going anywhere.

Like my ass was on fire I strode to Eve and pulled her back with a scowl.

"That's enough. She gave you attention now run along." I shooed him and I heard a snort from Zac.

"Sage that's rude." Eve whined as she shrugged my hand off her but I didn't let her go.

"Yeah well we got a flight to catch." I shrugged and she rolled her eyes.

"This was nice surprise Mason. I'm sorry about Sage." She said softly at him and like a starved puppy

he bounced at the attention.

"I couldn't just let you go without saying goodbye." He told her but he was looking at me.

"Well thank you anyway. I'm more at ease now. More calm." I gagged and Wren decided to save Zac's


"Well Ben and Alex are in Toronto." Wren said. "They'll be happy to see you. They visited their father

and it's a couple of neighborhoods from where you'll be."

I was glad for the change of topic. Just than I got yet another massage.

'Good job, now go before I murder him for staring at her.'

I rolled my eyes as I read the message but no doubt that I believed him. I've spent enough time with

him to know he doesn't bluff.

"I think we should go before we get stuck on TSA and miss our flight." I suggested preventing Wren

from crying again.

The woman is overly emotional.

"Yes, yes. You should leave before mom suggest to board the plane too." Zac joked.

"You wound me Zac." Wren joked and we laughed.

"We'll go now. Bye Mason. Bye Zac. Bye Wren." She said and I just waved.

"Take care of my favorite sister." Zac teased.

"I'm your only sister Zac." She pointed out and noticed both Zac and Wren tensed and they chuckled.

"Yeah right.." he trailed off and casted his eyes to his shoes.

I sighed and grabbed Eve and walked away.

I had never been on a plane or left Miami or the country for that matter but here I was, on a plane

visiting my estranged family.

But that's what they were. Strangers. But not just any strangers, strangers I wanted to know. To call


I glanced at Eve who was seated next to me. Her mind was aloof and I knew what she was thinking.

I placed my hand on top of hers to stop them from shaking. I gave her a little squeeze.

"Don't worry they'll love you." I reassured her.

She always had an obsession with being liked.

"But what if they don't." She voiced her concerns.

"Then they are fools. Besides you heard Wren the moment you want to get the hell out of the we'll just

ring her okay?"

"Okay." She nodded.

Yep, that just confirmed it. I'm never going on a plane again.

Don't get me wrong. The plane experience is great and all since we were on first class so that was


But the baggage claim is a nightmare. I've never had to wait that long for something. Especially

something that was mine.

I was aggravated and finally getting our luggage. I texted Wren as instructed to tell her we've arrived

safely and made our way outside where our ride was apparently waiting.

"Relax okay." I coaxed Eve next to me.

"I'm trying to okay." She snapped I was gravely taken aback but she quickly mended her mistake.

"I'm sorry Sage. I didn't mean to snap at you I'm just nervous and we've been waiting for such a long

time to claim out luggage." She said remorseful.

"It's okay. No harm done." I told her and when we made it to the front I was shocked and amused. Yet


A large banner with our faces on it was displayed. Wren had told me he sent pictures and I DID not

expect them to use them for this.

"Woah." Eve said beside me as she saw the banner.

I agreed. That was a bit to much.

As we got closer they recognized us and a woman squealed. I stopped and so did Eve.

She didn't look anything like a grandma. In fact she looked like she was Wren's age.

Next to her was a man almost her age. I think.

"Over here." The lady shouted while the man's cheeks turned red.

I looked at Eve and she had her brow raise. I shrugged and started walking towards them.

"I'm so excited." The woman told the man and I realized that the had a kid next to them who was typing

on his phone. He was probably younger than me by 2 years.

"I'm Michela." She said excitedly. "And you're Evernly and Sage."

I watched as the kid rolled his eyes and I almost snort.

"Uhmm.. yeah." Eve awkwardly said.

"I'm your Aunt." She said and squealed. "Feels so exciting to say it."

She suddenly dropped the banner and hugged Eve who looked like she was gonna pass out any


"You look so much like your mom. In fact you look exactly like her." She added as she pulled back and

held her at arms length just checking her.

"And you..." She turned to me. "You look so much like Mike but of course I can see Clara in there but

you look like Mike mostly. You're even taller than he was when he was sixteen."

She rambled as she examined me from head to toe.

"Mom let them breath." The kid said without looking up from her phone.

I could tell he was a spoilt rotten brat.

Her mom glared at him playfully.

"That rude brat is my son.." He once again rolled his eyes. "... Damien, your cousin. And my husband

over here, your uncle Andrew."

"How was your flight?" Andrew spoke for the first time.

"Umm. It was good." Eve answered since Andrew was looking at her.

Eve shifted uncomfortable as Andrew continued to stare at her.

"Sorry I didn't mean to stare." Andrew chuckled. "I just can't get over how much you look like Wren. Do

you know Wren's mother?"

"Umm No." Eve answered.

"The three of you look exactly like each other." He told her and I was stunned. "I'll show you pictures."

"I'd like that." She surprised me by saying.

"Ok now now. Let's get home before Miranda blow a fuse. She's so anxious to meet you two." Michela


We all got into the care and we drive off. Damien was still on his phone while Eve fiddle with her


I must tell you that Michela doesn't shut up. The whole ride to the house she was the only one talking.

Andrew asked a few questions and would give his input from time to time.

They asked about Clara's whereabouts and I said I didn't know. I didn't want to talk about Clara.

Turns out the family didn't even know dad and Aunt Lauren had died. Andrew cried but more so


We found out Andrew was Wren's best friend despite the age difference. Michela is a doctor and

Andrew too over the law firm after dad left since it was his duty to take over from grandfather since he

was older.

Andrew is the youngest. The first born was dad then Aunt Lauren and lastly it was Andrew.

"We're here." Michela announced. "I had to stop Miranda from inviting the whole neighborhood to

announce your arrival."

Andrew chuckled and I noticed Eve's leg bouncing nervously.

I placed my hand on her knee to offer comfort.

"Mom is way too excited." Andrew added.

"You'll be fine." I whispered loud enough for only Eve to hear. She nodded as we got out of the car.

I looked up just as Eve did. I gasped as I saw how bit is the house. It wasn't Wren's house big but


"Wow." I muttered.

"It seems like we were living in poverty while our families lived in pure luxury." Eve said bitterly which

made me frown completely taken aback by her bitterness.

"It's not their fault." I defended them.

But Eve was right. We barely got by while they had all the riches. Don't get me wrong. I'm not an

envious person and I'm not bitter.

In fact, in a twisted fate of logic, I'm happy I grew up the way I did.

I got the most thing I value the most out of it that I'm sure I wouldn't have got it if I had riches and


My sister. I treasure the hell out of her.

"Whatever." She said as she followed Damien inside the house.

5 days. Just 5 days.

I said a little prayer. I didn't even know what are was praying for.

Maybe my sanity or that Eve last 5 days. But I was praying for 5 days.

The moment I stepped inside the house I was overwhelmed. It was homey and warm.

I thought Wren's house was the gold standard of homey but I was deadly wrong. This house is the gold


"I'm sure you wanna rest after the flight but mom wants to see you first." Andrew informed us.

Honestly the flight wasn't that long. It was very short.

"But I'll show you to your rooms so you can freshen up and comeback downstairs." Michela piped in

glaring at Andrew.

"Thank you." Eve's small voice said.

Michela showed us our rooms which were opposite to each other.

"Thank you." Eve told her once again. "I'll be down in five."

"I'll come get you." I told her and she nodded.

Honestly I wanted her to transition nicely and I wanted her comfort more than anything.

I went in the room and I was amazed at how big it was.

It was the right color and it almost made me think it was decorated especially for me.

I shook my head and clear my head of that thought. It would be very ridiculous.

I continued looking around. Canada. Toronto. I'm here. It's hard to actually what to believe.

I took out my phone to call Styles.

It rang and when I thought he was not gonna wake up he picked it up.

"This better be important because I'm really busy." It's the first thing he said when he picked up.

He wasn't pissed nor aggravated so I guess I'll poke him.

"That's what you're gonna tell me when you ignored me the whole day and let's not mention you

following me to the airport."

"It's adorable how you think I was following you." He teased. "I wasn't gonna miss an important part of

her life. I'll never miss it. Even if I'm in the background."

He never seize to stun me. I was lost for words but only for a sort while.

"Jokes on you because her important part it's not in am airport but in.. " He cut me off and chuckled.

"And whose to say I'm not in Toronto right now. Looking at her as she's standing by her window with a

cute little frown."

My heart leaped out of my chest as he said that and I felt an adrenaline rush.

"I swear to God Styles if you're here spying on her I'll forget that you have a while cart-" and he

chuckled and only then I realized that he was messing with me.

But I remember telling him I'll be in Canada not Toronto.

Of course. He tracked me. Or Eve. I groaned.

"Relax. I have a cartel and a gang to run and no matter how much I wanna be there I can't I have

duties, duties you're keeping me away from. So tell me what you want or..." He trailed of waiting for me

to speak.

"Saturday..." I started but he didn't let me finish.

"We'll talk about that when you get back." He dismissed me and I rolled my eyes. "Now if there's

nothing else. I have work to do."

"You better not ghost me then." I warned and heard his chuckle then the line went dead.

I sighed and went to get Eve. I knocked on her door and seconds later she came out.

"Are you ready to see the person responsible for our existence." I joked and she laughed but not the

way I wanted her to laugh.

"What's wrong?" I stopped and got in her way.

"I'm nervous and scared I feel like I'm gonna be sick." She confessed and I sighed.

"Don't worry Eve. They'll like you and fuss just like Wren, the twins and Zac. Just like me. Okay?" She

nodded. "Now let's go down there and meet our family."

Again she nodded and hands in hands we walked down the stairs.

"Finally I have a granddaughter. None of this grandsons." I heard the woman gush before I even saw


She came into view as we ascended the last step.

She immediately went to Eve and hugged her.

I guess that's the grandma.

"You look so much like your mom but more beautiful." She gushed twirling her around in a dancing way.

We all chuckled and I realized Damien wasn't with them.

"And you." She came to me and pinched my cheeks. I expected that. That's how all grandmas are.

This is almost how I picture this meeting going.

"You look so much like my Mike. Isn't that right Andrew? Look at his eyes and his cute nose. I miss him

so much. My Mike."

"Yes mom. I've been thinking the same thing." Andrew added softly as Grandma sniffed.

"You two oh gosh I'm so excited. I can now die in peace." She said as tears welled in her eyes.



Both warnings came from Andrew and Michela.

"No talk about dying okay. I recently found out I no longer have a sister or brother. I can't loose you

too." Andrew scolded as his voice broke.

I felt for him. I can't imagine finding out years later that Eve died. It would shatter me.

Imagine him loosing two people all at once after thinking that his siblings are out there living.

"I'm kidding. I'm just so happy son. The last time I saw these two Evernly was barely two and Sage was

only one year. They just filled the space of my lost children in my heart." She explained.

"Enough about the sappy moments." Grandma chuckled. "Now let me spoil my grandbabies."

I smile and saw Michela roll her eyes.

"Brace yourself." She warned and Andrew chuckled.

I loved how down to earth and welcoming they all are.

"Are you okay?" I asked Eve as we followed grandma.

How weird is saying that. GRANDMA, I tested the word in my head over and over again.

"Yeah just a bit overwhelmed." She whispered.

"Tell me if you ever feel otherwise and I'll tell them to back off." I said meaning it and she knew I mean

every word. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

"I'm okay I swear." She assured me.

We made it to the dining area where a large feast was waiting for us.

"I didn't know what you two like a so I asked the maids to make everything. Is that okay or did I forget

something?" Grandma asked nervously.

"No. You did not forget anything." I said chuckling while eying everything in the table.

"Yes. You got everything." Eve added.

"I'm glad like it." She beamed. "Now let's each I have so much to show you."

We sat down on the table and they served us just like maids does at Wren's house.

Stories were shared of Dad and Aunt Lauren. Tears were shed and laughs were shared.

"Sorry Sage but I never liked your mom." Grandma unapologetically said and I chuckled.

"Me too." I surprised everyone in the room and myself by saying it out loud.

Eve choked on her food and all eyes were on me.

"You never did." Andrew said with his eyes wide.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortable.

"Umm.. eh." I stuttered and Eve was staring at me. She of all people knew why I didn't like her.

"Leave my grandbaby. I don't blame him. She was a bitch." Grandma saved me from answering.

You'd be surprised how much of a free spirit she was. She even cussed a few time since I've known

her and it hasn't been more than three hours.

Eve surprised me by bursting out laughing. I join and so did grandma. Andrew and Michela just did it

out of awkwardness and politeness.

"Your dad was a fool to leave Wren for her. Then Wren was unlucky and married that bustard down the


Andrew didn't miss a chance to pipe in how foolish dad was for leaving Wren. It almost sounded like he

was resentful.

"Mom." Andrew warned. "Don't talk like that about other people."

Eve snorted then almost choked.

It seems like Andrew lives to scold or correct his mother with her foul mouth.

He's an innocent soul. Just like dad.

"It doesn't make any less true." Grandma muttered under her breath.

From then we ate our food in silence.

Then the maids cleared the table and we chatted and they practically interrogated us to no end.

"Um... Damien.. why didn't he eat with us?" I heard Eve ask Michela and my head whipped towards her

and my feet were making their way toward her without me even realizing.

I could practically hear her thought as the gears inside her heard turned. She thought he didn't like her.

That little piece of shit. I'll strangle him before he ruined this for him. Actually I'll have a little 'chat' with

that piece of shit.

"Don't mind him. He's in that phrase you know when he thinks he hates every human." She explained.

"I'm sure you saw that with Sage."

No she doesn't know. I wanted to say but bit my tongue. I never went through that stage because I

didn't have the luxury to. I had to watch my back and Eve's so no I missed it.

"Don't take it personal." She added.

"Okay." Eve whispered frowning and I knew then that she took it personally.

"Honestly I was surprised when he agreed to come fetch you from the airport. He's such a headache

lately." Michela obliviously added.

"Your presents are ready grandbabies." I heard grandma yell.

I will never get use to calling someone my grandma.

And the woman is a whole mood on her own. She is obnoxiously loud for a grandma.

"Over here grandbabies." She hollered for us. And we all followed her voice.

Andrew and Michela were smiling warmly as they walked with us.

"Surprise." She yelled two cars with bows stood on front of us.

And not just any cars. A Mustang Shelby and a Hennessey Venom GT. Sitting in the driveway.

I looked at Michela and she smiled.

I was stunned. Shocked even.

"Come on. Don't you like it." Grandma asked as she chuckled.

Eve was the first to snap out of whatever daze we were in.

She stunned me when she threw her hands around grandma.

"You didn't have to grandma. Thank you so much. They're so beautiful." She gushed and I knew she

had tears in her eyes.

"It's no trouble granddaughter. My husband left me all this money I didn't know what to do with. An old

lady like me can only need so much you know. Buying this cars was an honor."

"Thank you grandma." I finally said as I made my way to her.

"My grandbabies deserves the best." She said as I hugged her and Eve joined in.

"What are you two doing over there? Come join in on this hug." She called for Andrew and his wife.

I heard them chuckle but seconds later I felt them hug all of us.

Seconds or even minutes later we pulled apart.

"Don't you want to take them for a test drive." Grandma dangled keys in front of us.

"You get the red one." She handed me keys of the Hennessey Venom GT. "You get the blue one."

She gave an overly excited Eve her keys to the Mustang.

"Thank you grandma." She beamed. I was happy that she was happy.

"All the best for my granddaughter."

"Don't go far. You need to open the other presents." She told us.

"There's more." Eve said. Shocked evident in her tone.

"Of course. Did you think that was all?" She asked like she couldn't believe us.

"Honestly... yeah." I said.

"Trust mom to buy her grandchildren's love." Andrew joked.

"It never fails." She teased. "And I'm not buying their love. Just spoiling them."

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