Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Sage Miller

I was officially over the Toronto visit. I don't know how Eve does it, pretending all the time, that shit is

exhausting. Keeping up with appearances can be so tiring.

I needed to be myself. I never realized how much the gang was myself until I was away from it for three


I miss cussing for no reason at all, I miss snarling or sneering. I miss the blood, I miss being Sin.

I miss Sebastian. I miss Connor. Damn I even miss Styles and his annoying orders.

It's safe to say I was on edge and that's never a good thing because one comment from that little shit

called Damien I know I'll blow and do something stupid cause damn the kid is fucking annoying.

Antsy and me are never a good combination.

I was making a mental note to arrange a fight as soon as I get back to Miami when I saw someone


Entertainment. I beamed to myself as I admired the girl. I wasn't being a pervert or anything, just


She was so beautiful and curvey but not as beautiful as Smurf-

What the fuck? Where did that thought came from?

Even with so much distance I can't get her out of my damn mind.

I shook my heart to rid myself of her and focused on the beauty in front of me.

Her hair was so red. I wondered if the rumors are true about red haired.

Is their temper how they say it is?. They say they breathe fire. Their temper is as red as their hair and

in bed, fuck, in bed they are wild.

I chuckled as Connor's words popped in my head.

I truly do think with my dick.

Oh well, I can't change that about me and I happen to like the me that thinks with his dick.

I decided to just walk up to her and talk to her. I have two more days in this place. Might as well see

how long it'll take me to get her to bed.

She decided to bend over then her ass was a perfect view for me to admire. The things I was doing to

her in my mind should be illegal.

I imagined her ass bouncing on dick, leaving finger markings on her ass. My hand print on her ass


Fuck. I hope she's one of these easy ones.

"Hello." I cleared my throat when I realized she hasn't noticed me yet.

She quickly got up and turned around. Her cheeks were crimson red in embarrassment and I just

smirked at her.

She reminded me of someone. She's one of those innocent ones.

"Eh.. um.. hey." She shyly said averting her gaze from mine when I wanted to her to make eye contact,

maybe figure out her eye color.

"I just had to stop and say hey and admire your beauty and hot body." I shamelessly flirted with her.

"Ummm. Thank you?" I didn't think her cheeks could get any red. But because her skin was pale. I saw

that the exposed part her chest, her neck was now scarlet red. She was as red as her hair.

"You're American." She blunted out then realized she said it out loud. She slapped a hand over her

mouth and I chuckled. Her redness deepened. If that's even possible.

Before I could reply a voice. Anger, so angry spoke.

"Get the fuck away from her if you know what's good for you." He threatened. I looked around and saw

a guy making his way to us.

I eyed him up and down and he did the same.

I could take him on. I said to myself.

Sure he was fit but I'm skilled and a fighter.

He too reminded me of someone with the crease and deep frown on his face.

His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, angry and hard. So familiar. The expression was very familiar.

"I thought I told you to step away from her." He said but this time much slower when he realized I

wasn't going anywhere.

I smirked.

"You think or I should get away, which one is it? You don't seem very sure." I rolled my eyes and he

balled his fist.

I heard Redie sucked in a breath like she's afraid for me or something.

"Whichever is efficient." He practicality growled.

"Big words. Woooo I'm so scared." I taunt him. This is the most fun I've had in days. Days I tell you.

I'm an adrenaline junkie. I can't be blame. Even if its just this.

"Fucking Americans." He grumbled and again I rolled my eyes.

"Protective brother." I said to Redie and her eyes widen. I knew the moment I saw him that he wasn't

her brother. Far from it. He wasn't even family.

The guy's jaw worked so hard that I felt bad for his tooth.

"You're really testing my damn patience and I don't have much of it." He said through gritted teeth but

his irritation amused me.

"Ahh baby gonna throw a tantrum." I cooed and in a blink of an eye his fist came out.

I barely dodged it. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it and a piercing scream was heard.

I was about to punch his sorry as when his girlfriend saved him.

"He's father is the chief of police." She rushed out and I stop mid air.

I looked at the girl then this fucker I was about to punch.

I would've rearranged his face nicely for him so he'll remember me for the rest of his life.

If I could just.... I twisted his arm a bit more but his girlfriend was pleading with me.

I could pound his face real hard and the time his father found out I'd be on my way to Miami. No.

His father is the chief of police

His father is the chief of police

His father is the chief of police

I repeated but that didn't stop the edge to punch him. Just once. Just a teny tiny bit.

I decided to push him off and let go.

His girlfriend gave me a thank you look and was by his side in seconds.

The fucker tried to get up and fight me but his girlfriend stopped him.

"Remember your father said one more trouble he'll ship you off to military school. Please stop Cole."

Redie pleaded.

Then it clicked who they reminded me of. Styles and Eve.

His anger and her innocence. His jealousy.

I smirked at him then smiled at her. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

"See you around Redie." I said to her.

"Fuck off." The guy I now know as Cole said.

I decided to let them go before I caused trouble and cut our trip short.

"Bye." Redie whispered and when she was about to wave Cole yanked her arm back.

They started arguing in whispers and I laughed as I walked away. Laughed real hard as I made my way

towards grandma's house.

Walking up the driveway towards the front door I could feel the buzz of adrenaline and excitement

leaving me.

I sighed and walked inside. The first person I saw was Damien.

I tsked. It was hard getting leaving that piece of shit alone and right now was the perfect time to 'talk' to


I strode over to him and swatted his phone away.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and he winced because I squeezed it hard.

"Shhh." I warned him. I did not care of he was my cousin.

No one. I mean no one messes with my Eve. And he's about to find out why.

"What do you want? I didn't do anything. I swear." He cried out like the pussy he was.

I almost laughed at how pathetic he sounded.

"You little piece of....." I started but saw Eve coming down the stairs. I cussed. "......amazing person.

Yes. Amazing."

I talked louder than necessary which confused the heck out of the two people.

"Don't drop your phone. You'll crack the screen." I came up with the lie easy as I bent down and picked

up the phone.

Only then did I see what he was texting about. My dear cousin has a boyfriend and he didn't want my

fear Uncle to know and yes I got all that from the text I read from his phone.

I smirked and whispered to him.

"From now you're best friend with Eve. Understand? Unless you want me to tell dear mommy about

babe and that you send BOYS your dick pics." I threatened.

"What?" He panicked and looked at his phone then his eyes widened.

"Don't tell them. Please. They can't find out." He begged but in a whisper.

"You know what to do." I told him and left them there.

This is as close as I got to feeling like back in the gang.

I'm sadistic, sue me. I love threatening people. I like the smell of fear.

By the time night came. I was stuck in my room still in Toronto. I was tempted to call Wren and tell her

Eve wants to come home but I decided against it.

It would've been cruel to her because she was truly enjoying her stay here.

I never knew five days could be this long. I feel like I've been here for months.

I was lying on my back on the bed listening to music with my eyes closed.

It was probably one in the morning and I couldn't sleep. My mind just couldn't shut down.

The my phone vibrated from an incoming call. At first I wanted to just ignore it but then again I'm bored

and I couldn't sleep.

I picked it up without looking at the caller Id. Whoever it was. I was fine with it. As long as it was a

human on the other side of the line.

"Hello." I sang.

"I didn't think you'd pick up." The words were slurred and full of sarcasm.

My heart skipped a beat and I snapped my eyes opened and narrowed at the caller Id.

I'm not going crazy.

"Smurf." I rushed out calling her.

"You know, if you didn't want to see you could've just said so than sending your friend to do it for you. I

never pegged you for a coward." She spat trying hard not to slur the words.

"What?" I asked confused. Now I was sitting upright leaning against the headboard.

Any chance of sleep vanished.

"I said you're a fucking coward. Why not just come out and tell me you don't wanna see me?" She said


"What are you talking about? You're drunk. I don't think you know who you're talking to." I told her

settling down.

"I know very well who I'm talking to Sage." She emphasized my name. "And don't act clueless cause I

was just at your house and your lackey told me you're not in even though your car is in the driveway."

"I'm in Canada Alora." I said firmly. "Where else would my car be? I'm out of the country."

"Oh." She whispered.

"Yeah right oh." I taunted. "What do you take me for?"

"Well after what happened last time I didn't think you'd be too thrilled to see me." She was very drunk

but her memory was as sharp as day.

Reminded of what happened Saturday morning I couldn't help but be bitter.

"It didn't take you that long to come crawling back to me." I told her bitterly.

"You know I would always come back crawling to you." She whispered and I almost felt bad for hurting


Honestly I knew she'd cone back but I didn't think it'll be this soon.

"So why bother leaving?" I asked her still bitter.

She sighed.

"You know why Sage. I don't know why you do this-" I cut her off.

"Don't give me that bullshit you're about to feed me." I told her raising my voice.

"I don't wanna talk about it Sage. Let's drop it. I have to go to my house." She told me in a defeated


I sighed. She's drunk and I don't want her driving at this state.

"Where are You?" I asked her.

"Outside your porch." She answered in a small voice.

"I'll call Connor to let you in. You can sleep in my room." I told her firmly.

"He won't agree to that. He hates me." She said.

"It's my house and besides do you blame him?" I asked her and cussed myself for the bitter tone.

"They just know one side of the story." She said and I sensed she was no longer talking about Connor


"So there's another side of the story. Because from where they stand. They've seen pretty much the

whole story." I defended them.

"There's always two sides to a story Sage." She argued back quietly.

I was about to tell her something then remembered what I was suppose to do. I sighed and pinched the

bridge of my nose.

"I'll.... just stay there okay?... I'll call Connor he'll let you in." I told her.

"Ok." She said softly. And just as I was about to hang up she called me.

"Sage." Her voice was so soft, so quiet.


"When are you coming back?" She asked. I swear I heard the desperation in her voice. It pierced

through my heart.

"In two days." I told her. My heart still clenching.

"Okay." She yawned.

"Don't fall asleep." I warned her.

"I won't." She yawned again.

I sighed knowing she won't stay awake.

I hanged up and called Connor.

He's gonna cussed the he'll out of me if she pass out.

Surprisingly he picked up early. Like he wasn't asleep at all.

"I don't appreciate being woken up in the middle of the night Sage." He grumbled as soon as he picked


"Hello to you too. Here I thought you'd be thrilled to answer my call because you missed me." I said

sarcastically. I can almost see him rolling his eyes.

"First your girlfriend.. if that's what I can call her. Now you. What do you want Sage." He grunted in


"Straight to the point I see." I stated clearing my throat. "Open the door for Alora. She knows her way I

just want you to open the door."

He growled.

"Please." I added.

"I should've known that's why you called me." I heard rustling on the other end. "I don't even know why

you put up with her shit. She always comes to you when she's drunk then as soon as she's sober she

leaves your sorry ass."

I listened to his lecture. His words sounded very similar to Eve's and hearing them stings.

"Stop with the lecture. Open the door for her." I almost yelled angry.

"I'm looking out for you man. I don't even know what you see in her because all I see is a drunk and


"I dare you to finish that sentence. I dare you. If you don't have anything nice to say just shut up. Didn't

your mom tell you that." I sneered knowing I hit a nerve with my words.

I didn't start it. I don't know why I always fight fire with fire.

"You're fucking messed up Sage. How could you say such shit?" Disbelief filled his voice.

"Open the Goddamn door Connor." I ordered him.

"She's fucking passed out." He called out.

"Yeah well I suggest you you pick her up and stop being a dickhead." I told him.

"Yeah well I'm not doing that shit." He said firmly.

"You better pick her up nicely and be gently when you go up the stairs then place her in my bed or you

can get the fuck out of my house." I threaten slowly.

I heard his gasp and I knew I just fucked up.

"Fine I'm out of here." He scoffed.

"Fuck Connor. I took you in when you had nowhere else to go. I found you on the street dirty and

disgusting. Gave you a roof over your head and a warm place to sleep and this is how you fucking

thank me. Pick Alora up and close the goddamn door. Go to sleep and we'll talk when I come back.

Stop behaving like a bitch."

I ended my speech and hung up. I just hope he do it because I didn't mean every fucked up thing I said

to him.




Why can't I just have a fucking filter?

It seems I'm only tamed around Eve. Everyone else is fucked.

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