The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Bonus Chapter 3


“How does my hair look?” Julie asked me for the third time in ten minutes.

“You look perfect dear.” I smiled, joining her in the mirror as I tied my tie. “Just like you did ten minutes ago.”

“Its not every day that your mate gets such a prestigious award.” She said, reapplying her lipstick, then blotting it out again.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Save it for the acceptance speech.” She winked, straightening out her silver dress and putting on her heels.

“Are we ready then?” I asked, having one final look at myself in the mirror.

“Ready.” She nodded excitedly.

We made our way to the banquate room where the awards were being held. We were in Sweden, where I would soon receive an award for my breakthrough research on the moon flower. It took me five years to get the moon flower to bloom after the fire nearly killed it, but once it bloomed, I was able to do so much research and testing on this flower than only a handful had ever heard of, and even less that have actually seen it in person.

From all that research and testing, plus the support and the idea in general provided by my mate, I formulated it into a tea, which worked wonders on the body. That tea is why we were here today. I managed to farm the moon flower, which took several more years, but proved to pay itself off. I launched our tea at the beginning of the year and we have been sold out since. People swear by my tea. I only allow customers to buy one tea bag per order, partially because I know they will only need one for themselves and their household, and also because I had a very limited stock.

Of course, I had big pharmaceutical companies reaching out to me for my formula, and dozens of lawsuits from doctors who were losing money from their now healthy patients. Thankfully, none of them held any water. I had no plans of giving up my recipe. I had no plans to overproduce or sacrifice quality, nor was I planning on stopping. My tea did not cure all sicknesses, but it did work like magic on a great number of different problems.

Kelly graciously relieved me of my duties as Delta as soon as she found out I was doing research on the moonflower. She knew I was going places with it before I even did. My mate and I and our two pups traveled around the world, advertising my tea to any and all who would listen. I only charged for what it actually cost, plus a little extra just to be able to travel comfortably. I think that was fair given how much money it saved all those who drank it.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Dr. Barbato, so good to have you here. Your table is right up front.” One of the greeters said, guiding my mate and I to our table.

“Thank you.” I nodded.

We happily ate and drank while also mingling with the other award winners and guests. I was one of the first names called to accept my award and give a speech. I had everything I was going to say all written down, but when it came time to talk, I pocketed my queue cards and said what was really on my mind.

“I had a speech prepared.” I began, looking over my award and the crowd. “But I think I’ll speak from the heart today. There are several people I owe my success to. First, my parents, who raised me and encouraged me to become a doctor, also funded my college education. Next, some of my friends. Kelly, Jonas, and Thorin. Without those three, I would never have even known about the moon flower, let alone have found it. I quite literally owe them my life.” I chuckled, thinking back to our adventure years ago. “The person that I owe the most thanks, would be my wife, Julie. She and I met by chance, and the rest was history. She has encouraged me every step of the way. Without her, I wouldn’t be standing before you today. Not only is she the perfect assistant and nurse, but also the perfect wife and mother. She has stayed up late with me bouncing ideas back and forth, while also rocking our children back to sleep. I can’t imagine my life without her. If anyone should receive this award, it should be her.” I smiled down at my mate. I ended with a quick thank you to the academy and graciously exited the stage to my teary-eyed mate.

“That was beautiful.” Julie said, pulling me in for a k**s. “You really mean it?”

“Every word, and so much more.” I said, pulling her close. “Now, why don’t we get out of here?” I said, planting a quick k**s on her marking.

“Oh!” She shivered. “Just a few more minutes? I spent so long getting ready. Plus, I like to see you squirm a little.” She whispered, nipping at my ear.

“I am at your mercy.”

An hour later, and a shameful number of drinks later, we finally broke away from the award ceremony dinner and went back to our room. I felt like a teen again with my mate, our drunk asses sloppily making love to each other. It was great. Between being parents, working, and doing everything that we have with the moonflower, we had little time for spontaneous fun like that.

Thankfully, I pulled some strings and was able to take off of work and book a two-week all-inclusive vacation for our family. There were plenty of things to do where we were going, both for adults and pups. I planned on telling Julie tomorrow on our way back home and then we could tell the pups together once we were home. I think she will be excited. We have traveled a few times over the course of our relationship and enjoyed every minute of it. I imagine this time will be the same.

I turned on my side, starting at my sleeping mate, wondering how I got so lucky. She might not have been my fated mate, but she completed me in a way I never thought possible. She challenged me in all the best ways, making me a better person. And not only that, but she loved me and our pups whole heartedly, which is really all I have ever wanted. To be completely loved by someone.

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