The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Bonus Chapter 4


“Moya skala, a letter just came in the mail for you.” Kelly said, waddling her way over to me as I was just finishing wrapping up class.

She had a beautiful glow to her, with a serine look upon her face. Her hair was pulled to one side with soft curls hanging over her shoulder. She wore a light blue dress that clung to her body, highlighting her beautiful curves and her large bump.

“You are dismissed.” I said to my students, turning my full attention to my mate.

A number of the warriors in my class exchanged some knowing looks. My Sonlyshko has been a bit more clingy and needy during her second pregnancy, not that I mind, quite the opposite in fact. Only our class had taken notice of her rather abrupt interruptions at the end of my classes when she would ask for my ‘help’ with something urgent. She had an urgent need alright, frequent urgent needs actually.

“A letter? For me?” I asked, as I greeted her with a k**s. I never got mail.

“Mhm. I was just as surprised as you.” She hummed, cuddling into me. “The postage looks odd though, and I don’t recognize the name. Elena? Do we know an Elena?” She frowned.

I looked at the postage, it was familiar to me. So was the name. I quickly snatched the worn-looking letter from Kelly’s hand and began tearing into the envelope. Could it really be her?

“Who is Elena?” Kelly asked, a bit of an attitude to her tone.

“My little sister.” I said, unfolding the paper.

“You have a sister?” She frowned, her attitude now gone as she looked over my shoulder to read the letter with me.

“Half sister, we share the same father.” I grunted.

Not that that was any prize to be had, our father was a monster. I felt guilty leaving Elena behind. But I lived with my mother and she lived with her mother and our father. What was I supposed to do? Plus, she was born when I was nearly a grown man.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

dear brother,

i’m sure your life is Packed with Lots of Exciting Adventures, but i pray that this Small little Envelope will find its way to you. So many Events have taken place since we last saw one another. Never did i think i would get to speak to my Dear sibling again. How i would love to speak to you about all your Exciting journies. Life has not been the same without you, Please write back.

My Yellow Lilies are In Full bloom. i was so Eager for them to grow. I would love to Show you them sometime. perhaps I will send you some Next year. how are you and your Darling mate? All the Neighbours like to Get together and talk about your recent Engagement. Rarely do they have such exciting news to gossip about. I hope I get the chance to see you soon.

until then,


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

“What an odd letter,” Kelly said as she finished reading.

I read it over, once, twice, three times just to be sure before letting out a slew of explicit Russian profanity, accidently crumpling the note in the process.

“Whats wrong? Besides her handwriting and grammar?” Kelly chuckled.

“It is an encrypted letter, Solnyshko.” I said, straightening it back out. “Look at all the capital letters.”

“Well, what does it say?” She asked as she began to re-read the note, trying to decrypt it.

“Please send help. My life is in danger.”

“Oh goddess,” Kelly gasped. “Is this really real? Do you trust that this is her?”

“It’s her.” I nodded. “If it were a trap, they would have sent her here in person. Elena is young girl, I doubt that she has anyone else if she is reaching out to me.”

“What are we going to do? Do you even know where to find her?”

The last time I remember seeing her was when I took a trip back home, sometime between the time Kelly became queen and I was made King. I was handling some business with some of the men I used to work with in an old warehouse. They had been threatening our kingdom for some time and I knew I needed to handle it. But before things got messy, I saw Elena there. She was only a young teen, twelve at best if I had to guess. I only knew it was her from the familiar birth mark she had on her forehead. I told her to go hide and she did so without question. I do not know what she was doing there. I almost don’t want to know.

Now she would be about seventeen or eighteen. If she was reaching out to me after all this time, there must be a good reason. She probably should have reached out to me years ago. I quickly grabbed the envelope she sent the letter in and looked it over. On the back was a tiny red square, and that was all I needed to see to know exactly where I was going to find her.

“I know where to find her.” I nodded. “I leave now. I will be back before pup is born.” I said, giving Kelly a quick k**s.

“Um okay….but our son is due in two weeks.” She laughed nervously.

“Da, and I will be here for his arrival.” I reassured her.

“Okay. Just get your sister back here safely.” She said.

“Nyet. Not here.” I shook my head. “If our father is involved, he will send spies to our kingdom first. He cannot find her.”

“I’ll see about getting her setup somewhere else then.” Kelly nodded.

“Thank you Solnyshko.”

– – – – – – – – – –

“Everything go ooooookay?” Kelly g*****d as another contraction hit.

“Elena is safe. Now we focus on you.” I said as I helped my mate through her next contraction.

“Great.” She gritted out, squeezing my hand for dear life.

I had only just gotten back a few minutes ago, Kelly was already at the hospital getting ready to deliver, a week earlier than we expected. I was thankful the moon goddess allowed me to make it back in time. Kelly had a fast labor, and was soon holding our son in her arms, Nikolay Carson. I was secretly terrified of being a father to a son. I knew how to be a dad to a girl, but to a son? I worried that I would mess it up. I didn’t have much of a father figure in my life, but when I did, it was to train me to do his dirty work. It started with being a simple thief, but eventually I became one of the most feared mercenaries in all of Russia. I did not want that for Nikolay.

“He looks just like you.” Kelly mumbled, her eyes heavy.

“Rest, I will watch over.” I said, carefully scooping up our son from her arms.

“Thanks.” She yawned, closing her eyes.

“Thank you Solnyshko.” I said, kissing her temple.

Nikolay’s tiny hand grabbed onto my pinky, he had a good grip. His eyes opened, and they were as blue as blue could be, just like his mother’s eyes. He smiled at me for half a second before snuggling into me and drifting off to sleep again. I would make it my life mission to make sure he, and our daughter, didn’t end up like me or Elena. I would teach them to protect themselves, but not to be a trained killer. I would teach them survival skills, but not how to get away with murder or hide in plane sight. I would not be like my father was.

“I will do my best, Nikolay, I will do my best.”

He cooed in his sleep, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I looked over at my mate, who was also fast asleep. All that was missing was our little girl, who would be here soon enough to meet her brother. Never did I think I would have a life such as this. I used to scoff at having such a domestic life. Now, it’s all I wanted. My mate and my pups, happy and healthy. I would do anything for them. I loved them more than anything else in this world.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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