THREE DOORS: Chapter 5

Despite my sporadic, dirty daydreaming, I managed to finish all of one paper and most of another in just a few hours. I straightened my bedroom, tucked away all my laundry, and even cleaned the kitchen while the other girls worked behind closed doors. Remnants of our morning meeting lay discarded in our trash bin. The crushed box of coffee nearly breached the bag, and the colored creamer containers revealed our various tastes. I replayed the earlier conversation as I rested against the counter and wondered about the male perspective a few floors below.

I considered Deck’s suggestion that our arrangement would feel like a real relationship. Fuck, I hadn’t stumbled down that path since high school. I’d fucked around on my terms in undergrad and rarely spent a weekend night alone, but loyalty was neither offered nor expected by the brazen boys on campus. And hell, not by me either. Of course, I didn’t deliver my entire menu to every partner, not to shame those who did, but I’d shared the occasional midnight snack.

Evan, Judge, and Decker had seemed like the typical cocky coeds when they’d first approached us in the fall, with their bold advances and dazzling smiles. I figured that my girls and I would get pounded by the hunky neighbors to relieve the pressure of our demanding medical program, then we’d move on just as we had before. Who knew that the guys would collectively offer so much more than their initial impressions implied?

Within weeks of our tipsy introductions at the otherwise lame mixer, compounded with a few incidental encounters on campus, we found our trios naturally gravitating toward each other. Our solemn solo study nights blossomed into valuable group grind sessions. Makeshift meals morphed into “family” affairs around our cluttered coffee table. Our sexy sixsome developed a genuine friendship as we bonded over the painstaking hardships of being rookies. Sure, my lusty eyes often wandered from the books to the beef, but I, like the others, hadn’t considered making real moves and jacking up the group groove.

I needed dick, though. Could this really work?

I had to admit, our handsome classmates had shown us nothing but respect from the beginning. In fact, of all the men I’d rolled with in the past, these three were top-fucking-notch, especially after getting to know them better over the last several months. Judge’s cocky flirtations at the start had been but a shell protecting the sweet, sensitive guy inside. Evan’s surfer boy smoothness was only a cover for the amped, energetic flirt of the clique. Quiet, impenetrable Decker was nowhere to be found now, with a confident, thoughtful brainiac stealing the show instead. Evan, Judge, and Deck had invested in us, not only as female friends but as counterparts and equals. That notion provided not only the comfort to agree to this Three Doors game but also the mild anxiety over the potential failure.

Sexual tension often seasoned our nights together regardless of the agenda, but we covered it with shallow jokes mocking our lack of action, including complaints about cramped fingers from strumming and sore forearms from stroking. Mia had teased once that her favorite vibrator had submitted a vacation request, to which Evan had countered with his lonely desire to fuck a warm burrito from the food truck on the corner. Flirty eyes shifted from one delicious body to another as we hovered over our takeout meals and laborious studies, but we kept our boundaries in check out of respect for the friendship.

Until last night, anyway.

I shrugged off my rambling thoughts and turned back to the quiet kitchen, finding myself missing my neighbors in an unfamiliar way. I brushed fingertips over my soft lips and licked the memories of their kisses, my body aching to feel strong, trusted arms around me again. They’d offered a teasing sampler, but I hungered for the entire entrée.

Mia invaded my horny fantasies when she shuffled into the kitchen with a loud yawn. I snapped back to the present and noticed the absent hum of the dishwasher, so I decided to unload as we did.


She shot me a groggy grin. “No, I just woke up.”

“You’ve been sleeping this whole time?”

Mia laughed. “Not the whole time. I finished my paper, so I studied for the embryology exam and then grabbed a power nap. Fuck that class, by the way.”

I nodded as I returned clean silverware to the drawer. “It confuses the hell out of me.”

“I’m counting on Shay to coach me. I suck at it.”

“Counting on me for what?” Shay asked as she joined us from her cave.


She rested elbows on the bar and picked at her nails. “Oh, yeah. That’s Wednesday, right?”

“Yep. Gonna be up late Tuesday,” I groaned, adding my ocean mug to the collection in the cabinet.

Mia peeled a banana from a basket on the bar and grinned before shoving it between her lips. “Think the guys will come up to study?”

“They always have,” Shay figured. “Don’t know why they wouldn’t.”

I closed the last drawer and sighed. “I have a confession, girls.” Both motioned for me to continue. “I’ve been flustered all day. I can’t stop thinking about them.”

“Glad it’s not just me,” Mia mumbled as she chewed.

“Same,” Shay said. “I miss them already.”

“They’re just a couple of floors down, ya know,” Mia reminded us with a wicked grin.


“You think we should rush them?”

She nodded with enthusiasm. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

Shay was skeptical. “But shouldn’t we play it cool after today? Remember your doubt this morning, Callie?”

“Well, yeah,” I laughed. “But things have changed with this Three Doors business. I think we should follow our instincts.” 

Mia giggled beside me. “My instinct is to feel a big dick against me.”

“Right?” I fell in with her. “A big dick or three.”

Shay needed little convincing. “Okay, okay. Let’s see if they’re home.”

I grabbed my phone from the bar and dropped a quick text as the girls peeked over my shoulders.

Callie: hey

Judge: hey pretty ladyText © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Callie: what’s up

 Deck: watching basketball

Callie: no hot women up on our guys, right?

Judge: lol nope, just us

Callie: studying for embryo with us this week?

 Deck: you know it

Shay smiled. “Quick showers and let’s hit it.”

“We should wear something sneaky or sexy,” Mia said, brushing wrinkles from her lounge clothes. “Or maybe both.”

“Let’s wear all black,” Shay giggled. “Like robbers.”

“Yes!” Mia clapped. “Let’s go steal some shaft!”

This girl.

“Leggings and sports bras?” Shay suggested.


We rinsed off one by one, then popped into our bedrooms to slide into our disguises. I yanked a modest, stretchy bra over my head and was just stepping into my leggings when Shay shuffled in with palms hiding her bare nipples.

“So, yeah, I forgot that I don’t own a sports bra.”

I laughed. “Well, you know where I keep the goods. Help yourself like always.”

Shay thanked me, then fished through my top drawer and tugged a borrowed bra over her bouncy boobs. We nudged each other for prime position before my full-length mirror. “Am I good?”

“Super hot,” I assured her. It was true. My girl was a fuckin’ knockout.

“Let’s freshen up before we chicken out.”

We reconvened in the bathroom, creating a chaotic scene of flowy hair as we dried our long locks. I brushed my teeth and watched Mia dig through her toiletry drawer. She sprayed a quick puff of divine perfume on her tits, then passed the pink bottle.

“We’ll need to wear the same stuff on Three Doors days,” I reasoned, placing strategic splashes along my neck and cleavage. “Lotion and deodorant, too.”

Shay raised her eyebrows in the mirror. “I never thought of that, but you’re right.”

“We’ll make a bang basket for all of our sex day goodies,” Mia giggled.

I wasn’t sure just how the night would evolve, but I was already feeling anxious flutters of anticipation. The entire operation felt like an odd first date mixed with a filthy booty call. I bent at the waist and ran my fingers through my thick hair, then popped up as Shay fluffed her own. “Anything else?”

Mia flashed devilish eyes in the big mirror. “Okay, hear me out. I’m thinking that we could take this to the next level.”

Damn, my chick was making moves.


“Do you guys still have those sleep masks from the Christmas baskets I made you?” Shay and I nodded with curiosity. Masks? Where the fuck was she going with this? “Good. Go grab them, and I’ll explain on the way.”

~ • ~

We giggled like school girls skipping class as we glided down the hallway, passing a few curious faces on our joyride. We bounced down the steps of the enclosed stairwell and paused at the third-floor landing, then looked to our mastermind for the next instructions.

“Okay, this may sound crazy,” Mia warned, “but it could break the Three Doors ice.”

My heart rate hopped. “Nice. Lay it on me.”

She slung arms over our shoulders and huddled us up as we listened. “So, I’m thinking that we pop in and surprise them. Exchange hellos and all that. Then, we pair up, mask each guy, and switch around as we make out.”

“Mia!” Shay’s jaw dropped with amused disbelief. “That’s just filthy!”

Mia frowned with genuine disappointment. “Too much?”

“Oh, no,” she laughed. “I think it’s hot as fuck. Let’s do it.”

I shook my head at our crazy-ass ways. “They’re gonna fuckin’ die.”

~ • ~

The male, mirrored version of our apartment fell right by the stairwell, so we didn’t have far to creep. Mia turned back to us as we positioned at the door. “Should we knock?” she whisper-yelled.

“Let’s just try opening it first.”

Shay interrupted just before Mia’s bold hand brushed the doorknob. “Wait. Before we get all hot and heavy, think we can get a shot from them? I’m a little nervous.”


“I am, too,” I whispered.

Mia enjoyed a stifled laugh at our amateur asses but agreed to take it slow once inside. She turned the handle quietly like a cautious intruder, then peeked through the slight crack.

“Can you see them?”

Mia nodded. “Yeah. All three on the sectional.”

Shay poked her in the ass. “Say something!”

“Anyone home?”

“Mia?” Evan called from inside. “What the hell?”

She suddenly opened the door wide and exposed our sultry invasion. Shay and I waved sheepishly as the eye masks dangled at our sides. All three guys jumped up in shock and rushed to meet us, with Judge and Decker appearing in bare-chested glory. Delicious.

Judge scanned us from head to toe. “Well, this is one hell of a surprise.”

Decker was all smiles. “Come in!”

“Is everything okay?” Evan asked with confused concern.

“We just couldn’t stop thinking about you,” Shay spilled as we passed through the threshold. While I usually appreciated her blunt approach, my cheeks and chest reddened as our blatant thirst was exposed.

Mia seamlessly stepped in for the save. “And we wanted to say thanks for breakfast.”

Deck raked a hand through his messy hair and shot a grin at Evan before admiring our attire. “Those matching outfits are something else.”

“We tried to be sneaky,” I laughed. Fuck, I sounded like such a dork.

Judge licked those tempting lips. “Well, mission accomplished. Make yourselves at home.”

Mia charmed our hosts with a flirtatious smile. “Could we bother you for a drink?”

“Any special requests?” Evan asked.

“What are you drinking?”

He pointed to the trusty gray cooler that rested in place of a coffee table. “Just beer.”

I cocked an amused brow. “Easy access?”

“We’re super lazy, remember?”

Judge offered to load the liquor and coaxed us to make ourselves comfortable, so we wandered deeper into the apartment with Deck and Evan in tow. We’d spent nearly no time in their manly, no-frills residence before, with the guys always squatting at our place upstairs. These bare walls, fluffless furnishings, and clean countertops implied maturity and simplicity, in glaring contrast to the frat houses I’d partied at before. Well, aside from the beer-stocked centerpiece, of course. The girls and I sat side by side on one strip of the sectional as basketball announcers relayed play-by-play coverage on the big screen. Butterflies bounced lightly in my belly, but Mia palmed my jittery knee, and I exhaled some anxious energy.

Judge called out from the kitchen. “You want shots? Or regular cups?”

“Just pass the bottle,” Shay said.

Good call.

Evan and Decker parked adjacent to us, speechless but for expletives muttered at our bold ways. Shay took a heavy gulp from the liquor Judge offered, winced like a rookie, and then passed it to me. I loved this brand, so I took the sharp burn much easier and licked the intense flavor from my lips. Mia took the short sip of a seasoned pro and rested the remainder on the cooler.

Judge parked on the sectional arm with warm brown eyes roaming between us. “So, you missed us?”

I returned his sexy grin. “We did. We really did.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation,” Evan confessed quietly, “we talked about our arrangement all afternoon.”

Mia shifted slightly beside me. “Seriously?”

Decker pressed his palms into his thighs and rubbed. “Hard to think about anything else, to be honest.”

“What about your papers for patho?” Shay pried like a skeptical mom.

Judge laughed. “We got our work done before the game like good boys.”

The alcohol hit me just right as we slipped into silence after the warm reception. My earlier angst transformed into a desperate desire to feel hands and lips on my body again. Warmth settled in my pelvis as I admired the chiseled muscles and boyish grins.

Decker tossed an inviting palm. “So, girls, what can we do for you?”

Oh, Deck. So many things.

Shay assumed control, apparently experiencing that same transition from apprehension to lust. “Well, first, let’s turn out these lights.”

Evan jumped right up. “You got it.”

“And you guys get comfortable for us,” Mia suggested in a soft, sultry voice.

We stood as Evan darkened the room and lowered the volume on the television. Our victims found comfy spots on the sectional, glancing at each other with bright-eyed anticipation, with Judge on one end and Decker on the other. Evan returned and parked in the middle at the bend.

“You have me curious, girls,” Deck admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck and met my eyes. “And excited.”

“Really fuckin’ excited,” Evan mumbled and adjusted his balls.

Even before the guys touched me, my pussy ached with burning, wet need as I stood before their intense gazes. Although we’d laid loose plans for how this entire event would go down, I looked to my partners for our next move. Mia stepped before Judge and bent forward, tits practically dangling in his face.

“Mind if I put this on you?” she asked, brushing the dark eye mask against his scruffy jaw.

Judge flashed those dimples. “Be my guest.”

I slinked over to Evan and stepped between his spread knees. His crystal eyes roamed over my slim curves, and his clenched fingers resisted the temptation to touch me before the bell. I inched his blue tee-shirt over his head and tossed it aside, dragging my fresh nails over his rippled chest, then I slipped the black eye mask over his sandy hair.

“Do you like that?” I whispered.

“You have no fuckin’ idea, Callie.”

“Your turn,” Shay said softly beside me. She bowed to slide the blindfold over Decker’s face, ruffling his hair even more and blocking his view of her slightly larger breasts.

“Are you boys ready for a Three Doors teaser?” Mia asked.

“I fuckin’ am,” Evan answered eagerly, repositioning that stacked body against the blue cushions.

“No noise,” Shay reminded us. “We need practice.”

Decker’s earlier confidence in his discipline now wavered. “I’ll try, but no promises.”

Mia motioned to rotate clockwise, so I slowly backed away from Evan and posted up in front of Judge. He cocked his head and listened, cracking his knuckles with expectation. My heart pounded in my ears as I took one last glance around the dim room. There was something so thrilling about the guys having no clue what we were about to do or, more specifically, which girl would be doing it. This wasn’t time for emotion, but I was touched that they trusted us so blindly and so willingly.

I admired Judge’s carved body and wide, welcoming stance. I tried to assess his shaft size in the loose gym shorts, but the shadows obscured my view. He was still wearing that sweet, sexy smile, and I just couldn’t fuckin’ wait any longer.

I crawled directly onto his lap, straddling him, and he guided me down to his groin with hungry hands on my ass. Wet warmth rushed between my legs as his long cock raked against my center. I licked his alluring lips with a flirty tease, then he parted mine with his hot tongue.

Instinct replaced my earlier uncertainty. As our kiss deepened, I rocked my hips into a slow, grinding rhythm and rotated my tight pussy against Judge’s length. He met my need, angling his thick tip until it tapped directly into my damp bottoms. A moan threatened to escape my throat as he pulled on my ass for more, but I fought to keep silent for the sake of the game.

I left his lips behind and took time sliding my wet tongue from his jawline to his firm chest, inhaling his delicious scent as I frenched his warm skin. I savored his tight nipple, teasing it with my teeth as his thighs stiffened beneath me. Just as I drifted lower to his abs, I caught a flicker of movement from the corner of my eye. The girls signaled another rotation, with Mia peeling from Deck’s embrace as Shay stood from Evan’s lap.

I kissed my way north over Judge’s sculpted pecs and found his panting lips waiting for mine. After one last brush of our tongues, I raised my moist center from his steel. He held fast to my hips, silently begging me not to leave, but I wiggled free from his grasp and tiptoed to the opposite corner of the couch.

I spent a few selfish seconds watching Deck catch his breath. That rippled olive torso heaved as he palmed the cushion and waited for his next round. The display of blind excitement was so fucking scorching that my lungs burned along with his. I slid onto his lap, bridal style, deciding at the last second to scope the other participants and possibly pick up some moves.

Deck slipped a dominant hand between my thighs as I wiggled against his hard shaft. His length felt thick and ready to fuck from Mia’s performance, so I positioned myself until he tucked tightly against my ass. With nothing but thin layers between us, he pumped his hips and grinded his stiff cock forcefully between my round cheeks.

Every nerve of my exposed skin tingled and burned as our urgent lips opened for each other. Deck ravaged me with a deep, merciless kiss as he palmed the back of my neck, blazing heat from his firm body warming my wet core. Overwhelming arousal pooled between my legs as our tongues twisted, so I wrestled my mouth away for silent gasps of calming air. He used that momentary opportunity to slide his fingertips to my soaking pussy, so I opened my knees eagerly, begging without words for him to stimulate me even more. He thumbed my juicy clit through the paper-thin leggings as his fingers ripped at my waistband. Christ, I wanted to fuck him so bad as I writhed against his hand and over his cock.

I hoped to find Deck as amped as I was when I blinked open my eyes. I caught him chewing his lip with a mischievous smirk as he controlled my body with slow circles and fiery friction. The eerie blue light of the TV screensaver highlighted the movements of the others in action. Mia was riding Evan beside us like it was her job. She leaned over his buff chest, one hand gripping the back of the couch and the other scratching at his rounded shoulder. Her pussy rolled hard against his groin with deep, relentless cycles as he ripped at her brown waves and pawed at her perfect ass. Shay was circling on Judge’s cock as she faced me from the other corner, her delicate fingers fondling her own nipples as he guided the tempo of her hips from behind. Her striking dark eyes flashed to my face from across the space, and I flushed with more sticky excitement under Deck’s busy thumb.

Aside from my drunken wall bang with Deck and the couple of chorus line kisses with the boys, I’d never “performed” in front of an audience, so to speak. I didn’t expect the rush of erotic energy unleashing deep within my mind and body. I slipped my fingers over Deck’s as he rubbed my thirsty clit with slick, rapid strums, forcing his thumb deeper in my folds.

“Fuck,” he gasped, barely over a breath against my ear.

Just as I smothered his disobedient lips with my free hand, I noticed Shay surface from Judge’s lap as she turned to kiss him. I slid off Deck’s cock, despite his desperate gropes at my waist, and left him suffering, throbbing, and breathless again.

I stepped to the center of the couch before a clearly struggling Evan. He crashed back against the cushions with his hand down his shorts, shamelessly stroking himself with vigorous pumps. I smiled to myself and stifled a laugh, then dipped over that defined body and smashed into his lips. He drove his tongue deep against mine and swirled as if he were devouring a delectable dessert. I palmed his manly nipples and dragged nails over his pecs as he continued to stroke his full length before me.

Not yet, Evan.

I yanked his selfish hand from his package, and he countered with wetter, more aggressive frenching that ripped the breath from my ribs. I jerked away abruptly as he tried to drive, dropped to my knees between his legs, and lowered my face to his cock. He shifted in surprise as I slid wandering hands under his slinky shorts and swirled my warm tongue over his ripped abs.

Of course, we weren’t advancing the agenda to a blow job level tonight, but I felt unhinged with Evan and ready to amplify the electricity humming through my core. His shaft was sprung inside the shiny fabric, so I wrapped my mouth around his thickness from the outside. As soon as I tightened my naughty lips, he tangled fingers in my long hair and tugged.

Evan was a little rough. I liked it.

I felt emboldened by his advances and found his round, swollen tip with my tongue, then squeezed my mouth against his rigid rim and massaged. After only a few seconds of my mock oral, Evan had enough of our wild evening. In one unexpected motion, he jumped up, knocking me on my ass, and threw off the eye mask. His bewildered baby blues scanned my shocked face.

“Jesus Christ, Callie!” he cried, bolting down the hall at full speed. I covered my naughty mouth, but I couldn’t contain the whimpers of amusement.

Evan’s outburst had halted the entire operation. Mia and Shay stood from their partners and quickly backed away towards the TV, scolding me with narrowed eyes of disapproval as I draped an arm across my belly and fuckin’ lost it. Decker and Judge, now realizing the party was over, peeled back their masks and looked around with frantic confusion.

“What the hell happened? Where did Evan go?” an exasperated Judge asked.

“To beat off,” I answered with a giggle.

He peeked at his stiffy, then glanced toward the hallway. “Well, fuck it. If he’s allowed, I’m allowed.” We swiveled to a dumbfounded Deck, who simply shrugged, hopped from his seat, and hauled ass behind him.

“Callie, come on!”

“It wasn’t my fault, Shay!”


“Hey, he was ready to explode when I got over here,” I defended myself.

“He was pretty worked up,’ Mia said with a shrug. ‘I’m sure we all played a part.”

Shay sighed as she adjusted my bra over her tits. “Should we stay or go?”

“I’m staying,” I answered. “I want some real-time reactions.”

“Did any of them go in the bathroom?”

Shay peeked in the hallway. “No. All three bedroom doors are closed.”

“Let’s put ourselves back together before they finish.”

“Good idea.”

We took turns peeing, smoothed our strays, and swished with blue mouthwash we found under the sink. My cheeks and chest showed splotchy red remnants of the sordid affair.

“So?” Mia eyed us in the mirror.

“That was, by far, the craziest fucking thing I’ve ever done,” Shay whispered.

“I feel weird, but not in a bad way,” I explained. “Like a combination of dirty and empowered.” We heard movement from just behind one of the bedroom doors, so we hustled back to the living room to act casual before we were busted.

“Well, I guess we’ll see what happens next,’ Mia giggled.

I grabbed the bottle of liquor and took one last shot, my eyes darting anxiously to the hallway as we waited for their impressions.

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