THREE DOORS: Chapter 6

We made comfortable moves on one side of the big sectional as we waited. I stretched out between my girls, intertwining my bare feet with Shay’s while Mia absentmindedly played with my hair in her lap. I strained to hear the muffled voices from the hallway once the bedroom doors opened and the boys huddled out of view, but I had no idea what to expect. On the surface, I probably should’ve suffered some level of shame for offering my body to multiple men on the same night but, strangely enough, I didn’t. I felt no shame at all. Although I’d never experienced anything like this whole sharing stuff before, I felt safer in this space than I expected.

Eventually, the guys joined us after relieving themselves and parked in a line on the other sectional side. I couldn’t help but notice how each beamed with that irresistible post-come glow. We exchanged sheepish smiles of disbelief, and heat rose to my cheeks as each gorgeous grin took a turn landing on me.

Judge leaned forward and split the silence. “Girls…”

“Yes?” Mia asked innocently when he offered nothing more.

Decker shook his head. “That was…”

“Intense,” Evan finished his thought.

“Unexpected,” Deck added.

“Confusing.” Judge rubbed the back of his head and peered up at us.

Shay eyed me with a sly smirk, then turned back to our victims. “Amazing?”

“Well, obviously,” Evan mumbled.

Judge laughed and called him right the fuck out. “We all know how amazing it was for you, man.” I cringed with mock guilt and covered my giggling mouth.

Evan tossed defensive palms. “Callie had her lips wrapped around my cock. I think I deserve a pass here.”

“You gonna be that quick every time?” Shay teased.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“If I have all of you in one night? Yes. Yes, I will be.”

I cut to the chase. “Now, for the real question. Could any of you tell us apart?”

“No. I thought maybe I would, but in the heat of the moment, no,” Deck answered. “Full truth.”

“I couldn’t,” Judge said. “That’s for damned sure.”

“I had my ideas, but I was way off,” Evan laughed.

Mia raised her brows. “You had ideas?”

“Yeah. I figured Shay had her head in my lap. I was shocked to see Callie’s blond hair around my rod.”


“So, I guess that means it works,” I said with a cheeky smile, “at least on our end.”

Judge stood and paced before us. He always looked fuckin’ adorable when he was flustered, but this bare-chested brand was admittedly hotter than the struggling student version on study nights. “Are we gonna glaze over what just happened?”

Mia continued to caress my waves as we watched the scene unfold, and I found my eyes growing heavy. Fuck, I loved having someone play with my hair.

Judge gestured to our female side of the sectional. “And look at them right now! Just laying there like that!”

Shay stuck out her bottom lip. “You want us to leave?”

“No. Fuck.”

“What’s wrong, Judge?” I asked sincerely.

“Mia, you have to stop with the hair,” Deck groaned. “It’s too much.”

Mia laughed. “What?”

He fell back on the cushion and glanced at his groin. “Fuck. I’m getting hard again.”

“Girls, you don’t even realize.” Evan raked fingers through his mane and shifted in his seat.

I rolled my eyes. “Will someone decipher the bro code for me?”

“I mean, we were all practically fucking!” Judge threw arms to his sides with theatrical frustration, and I tried not to laugh.


“Multiple people…” Evan added.

“…in front of each other,” Decker chimed in. “That’s the biggest thing.”

Mia twisted my locks through her delicate fingers. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. I thought it was hot.”

Evan rubbed his eyes as if he were clearing a mirage. “I just don’t know what to fuckin’ say.”

Christ, I was feeling guilty. “I’m sorry if we made you uncomfortable,” I mumbled. “That wasn’t our intention.”

Shay joined in my apology. “Not at all. Our bad, guys.”

Judge held palms up in another level of panic. “No, no, no—”

“It’s not that,” Evan cut him off.

“Don’t apologize,” Deck insisted. “We’re not uncomfortable. No way.”

Mia shifted underneath me. “Okay. So, what is it?”

He scanned our expectant faces. “It’s unbelievable. That’s what it is.”

Evan raised skeptical eyebrows. “I just have a hard time buying that you’re all cool with this. For real.”

Shay offered consolation on our behalf. “We’re good. Promise.”

Judge relaxed a bit and parked back in his seat. “You girls liked it? Really?” he asked, the hint of a happy dimple appearing on one side.

“Hell yes,” I said. “I can’t fuckin’ wait for the main event.”

“So, we were blindfolded obviously, but did you girls watch each other?” Deck asked.

I exchanged naughty smirks with my partners in crime. “I did,” I confessed.

“Me, too.”


Hearing my best friends admit that they’d scoped my moves sent an unexpected shiver down my shoulders. Maybe we should scrap the game and do this every weekend instead.

Judge shook his head with awe. “Am I dreaming?”

Shay was quick with the wit. “You’d be inside me if you were.”

Evan turned to Deck and rolled his eyes. “I can’t with these chicks, man.”

“Tell me about how you watched, what you liked…”

“I thought you didn’t wanna get hard again,” I challenged Deck with a glance at his groin.

“I changed my mind.”

“We can’t,” Shay interrupted, shooting down our flirty exchange. “You’d know who did what, and that defeats the purpose.”

“You’ll just have to wonder, boys,” Mia giggled above me.

Judge was clearly intrigued. “Do you get off watching each other?”


“I like watching everyone get excited,” Mia answered matter-of-factly. She’d paused playing with my blond tangles, but I nudged her to continue, so she did.

“Oh, come on. You don’t get hot?” Evan asked. “At all?”

I tugged at my bottom lip with thoughtful consideration of an explanation. I’d been friends with Mia and Shay since our undergrad days, and I never once found myself sexually attracted to either of them. Both were objectively beautiful, head to toe, but my mind had never strayed beyond admiration and appreciation for our remarkable friendship. Hell, I’d witnessed them lock lips with randoms at parties, grind sultry bodies when we hit the clubs, and wake up naked in our tiny dorm room. I’d never felt a single ache downtown during any of it. I’d been all about peen during every scene and, as far as I knew, Shay and Mia were, too.

That being said, watching them seduce our shared shafts awakened unexpected sparks inside. While I wasn’t exactly scaling the fence to sample from their gardens, I noticed the smooth curves of their bodies more as they rubbed against our boys. I shifted on the sectional cushion with visions of Shay’s dark eyes meeting mine as she rode Judge’s lap. I thought of Mia’s nails scoring Evan’s buff shoulder as she brought him to his brink. This particular combo of six just hit different.

You make us hot,” Shay jumped in, interrupting my internal evaluation. “All three of you. Whether we’re dancing with you or bouncing on your cock, we get hot being around you. All of you.”

Judge looked up in thought. “So, if you saw some fine ass chick up on me at a club, you’d like it?”

“Well, that’s completely different,” Shay scoffed.

“That makes no sense.”

“I’d be jealous,” I admitted with full fuckin’ truth. “Not necessarily emotionally, but physically, for sure.”

Decker raised his eyebrows. “But you’re not jealous now?”

Shay explained it best. “I’ll share with my girls, but not with some random pussy at the bar.”


“I’d get hot if I saw you out,” Mia added with a sweet smile, “but Callie and Shay add something extra spicy.”

Judge tugged at that sexy bottom lip with his teeth. “You don’t have to worry about us chasing. We have more than we need right here.”

I was thirsty for the flip side, though. “Would you guys be jealous if you found us with other men?”

“I don’t even wanna fuckin’ think about it,” Deck growled as Evan and Judge mumbled similar sentiments.

“You have nothing to worry about either,” Mia assured them as she brushed strands from my face. “We’re stacked right here with you.”

“So,” Evan said, his face flashing with leftover lust, “can we explore more this weekend?”

“Who knows what the Hour of Power will bring?” I shot him a flirty grin.

Shay broke the bad news. “We gotta go for now, though. You know how it is.”

Decker scowled. “Fuckin’ Mondays.”

Our adorable hosts escorted us to the door like the gentleman they were and thanked us for the surprise visit. Since we’d already sucked face and the hour had grown late, we passed on the group groping and elaborate kisses, enjoying soft, sensitive smooches from each guy instead before strolling to the elevator.

~ • ~

Once we returned to our apartment and locked up, we hovered around the bar, chugging bottles of water and comparing notes. “I’m not surprised Evan had to yank it,” Mia laughed. “I thought he was gonna squirt in his shorts.”

I nodded through a drink. “That bulge is the real fuckin’ deal.”

“I’ll be honest,” Shay admitted, “I could’ve juiced if I kept going with Judge. He’s got fuckin’ rhythm.”

“Deck was fingering me over my leggings,” I sighed. “I would’ve let him slide in tonight. No doubt.”

“Right?” Mia tipped her head back and moaned. “God, Deck and those hands. Fuck. Me.” Seconds passed as we shared cheesy grins and shrugs. This was quite the fuckin’ ride.

“So? Everyone feeling good?” Shay checked.

“Yeah. Just don’t know how to top it this weekend.”

“No worries.” I bumped Mia’s hip. “Maybe the sex shop will inspire us.”

“Well, no matter what,” Shay reminded us with her professional voice, “we need to stay on task this week with classes.”


Mia yawned. “I gotta get to bed.”

I finished the last of my water and nodded. “Let’s go.”

~ • ~

I renamed our group chat “Three Doors” the following day. My last afternoon class released early, so I decided to slip over to the student health clinic for my STD testing. The others declined as our schedules varied with different class sections, but Decker offered to tag along. He met me at the Sunrise Bakery and smiled brightly as soon as our eyes connected.

“Hey!” Although the late winter wind whipped against the windows, he slid into the booth across from me with no shield but a black hoodie.

“Hi! Thanks for the escort!” I returned his sunny greeting.

“My pleasure.”

“Aren’t you freezing?”

“Real men don’t get cold, Callie.”

This fuckin’ guy.

“Right,” I said with a humored eye roll. Deck man-giggled and scanned the dining room. Other students hovered over laptops, sipped from steaming cups, and munched on baked delicacies. “So, having a good day?” I asked.

He blinked back to me and subtly sucked his bottom lip. “I am now.”

Redness rushed to my cheeks, and I adjusted my plaid scarf as a distraction. It may have been chilly outside, but Deck was bringing the fuckin’ heat, and I liked it. “Are you flirting with me?” I asked with a playful bat of my lashes.

He slightly cocked his head and blessed me with a boyish grin. “Maybe. Is it working?”


“I’m not sure yet. Keep it up.”

His usually pensive eyes sparkled with amusement. “You’re something else, Callie.”


“Want some coffee before we go?” I offered. “My treat.”

“How about hot chocolate instead?”

I crinkled my nose. “I suppose. I’ll be right back.”

~ • ~

We walked side-by-side down the busy campus streets. Those passing could’ve naturally assumed that we were a young couple spending the sunny but blustery day together. According to our loose group definition, I guess that wasn’t much of a stretch. I glanced up at his tall frame, watching the gusts manhandle his thick, dark hair, and I could almost feel his firm fingers playing between my legs.


Deck caught me daydreaming and shot me a smile. “So, what’s going on in that head of yours?”

How do I answer that? I acknowledged that I was riding a fine line here. My girls and I had never spent significant time with any of the guys individually. Of course, we were all close friends, but no pair more than the other. I had to admit, though, I was looking at Deck differently as we strolled alone along the sidewalk. His earlier flirtations, innocent though they may have been, seasoned my lustful images from the evening before. My fluttering heart and cautious mind battled over how to approach this.

Do I shrug off his question and keep things neutral? 

Do I open up and inch closer to him?

Oh, what the hell.

“Just thinking about last night,” I admitted as I watched cracks pass in the concrete.

Deck wanted more. “Care to elaborate?”

“I can’t. Really.”

“Because it ‘defeats the purpose,’ right?” he mocked, mimicking Shay’s shrill voice of authority.

I had to laugh. “Exactly.”

“So, this is awkward for you, I take it,” he said with sympathy.

“Awkward is a bit harsh. Let’s just say that I understand why we can’t be fucking face to face.” We passed a few eclectic shops with window dressings of extravagant dream catchers, colorful tapestries, and shiny beaded curtains. Deck hadn’t responded yet, so I continued. “I mean, I’m looking at you and thinking of exactly what I did with you. If I’m being real, it’s kinda hard to concentrate.”

He looked quite fuckin’ satisfied with my response. “I must’ve been good,” he bragged with an adorable, arrogant grin. “Really good.”

My cheeks warmed despite the crisp afternoon air. “You were fantastic.”

“Well, thank you,” Deck said, eyeing me with a bit more depth than usual. “I have a different take on all this, though.”

What the hell was he about to say? A shiver rushed beneath my coat and down my spine. Had to be the wind, right? Right. “Okay. Lay it on me.”

“When I think about everything I did last night,” he reflected, rubbing his stubbly chin, “and to know that at least some of it was with you? Well, it lights a fuckin’ fire inside me for more.”

An instinctive ache throbbed in my lower pelvis. That shameless revelation was so fucking unexpected. How in the hell do I interpret that? “Oh-okay,” I stuttered.

We stepped up to the glass clinic door and Decker paused, his hand resting on the stainless steel handle before us. He leaned close enough for a sudden kiss, and I’m positive he enjoyed my sharp inhale as our eyes met inches apart.

“I know you want the other guys, too, Callie. And that’s okay. I sure as hell won’t be holding back with the other girls.” Deck paused for my heart to squeak through a few weak beats. “But I can’t control who I’m thinking of, regardless of whose pussy I’m touching.” My jaw dropped as he opened the door in front of me. A swoosh of warm air greeted us and he nudged my shoulder.

“After you.”

~ • ~

The conversation turned lighter on the walk back to the student apartment complex, but the natural lapses provided ample opportunity for my brain to clock in for overtime.

This flirtatious day hadn’t changed a thing, right? I mean, Deck hadn’t hesitated to flatter me with his lustful thoughts, but he clearly acknowledged that we both enjoyed other interests within this Three Doors circle. Judge and Evan usually played the roles of outspoken flirters while he preferred suggestive glances and soft-spoken teases instead. So, what changed today?

I let that simmer as we quietly approached our building. Deck’s bold admission could’ve just been an effort to equal the awkwardness after my shaky analysis of last night. Wasn’t that the point of this entire operation? To avoid these messy next-day exchanges? Deck had been one of the masterminds behind this agenda, so I could see him relieving some of my apprehension by admitting his perceptions, too.

I resigned to that conclusion. Decker was simply helping me navigate these foreign waters with a sexy brand of consolation. I couldn’t help but smile as I shuffled along the sidewalk beside his lanky strides.

“After the embryology exam, we should focus on patho. I think it will be early next week.” He jammed his hands in his hoodie pocket and lowered his face from the wind. Not cold, my ass.

“I still need to write up my lab from Friday.”

“Me, too,” he said. “Maybe we can hit that Wednesday night.”

Fuck. I wish we’d be hitting something else Wednesday night.

My stomach rumbled inside my puffy coat. “I wonder if the rest of the crew planned for dinner. I need food while I cram.”

“I could make a sausage joke, but I won’t,” he teased, then glanced over at me with naughty eyes.

“You’re starting to sound like Judge,” I laughed.

“Do I kiss like him, too?”

My heart flopped between my ribs at the implication of jealousy, which would certainly be incompatible with the game, but Deck didn’t seem to intend the question in that way as he strolled carelessly beside me. “I haven’t kissed you guys much yet, but Judge sets a high bar so far.”

A surprised smirk stretched across his lips. “Well, don’t fuckin’ mention that to him. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

I watched the weak sun as it lowered behind the trees, leaving a chill that even Decker had to feel. “Honestly? You’re all pretty good.”

“I’m hella intrigued by it,” he said. “You know, the dynamic between each of us…”

“We should write a Three Doors thesis,” I joked.

“We could be revolutionizing casual sex for the next generation.”

I had to laugh. “Right? We’re fuckin’ pioneers.”

“It’s groundbreaking research,” he added with a grin.

“Well, that’s yet to be seen.”

“You have doubts?” Deck unlocked the glass door of the complex with his student ID and ushered me inside towards the elevators.

I sighed. “Doubts about wanting to do it? Not at all. Doubts about the success? Yes.”

He rolled playful eyes. “Oh, it’ll work. Trust me.”

Fuck, that trademark confidence stroked my arousal in all the right places. A light sexual tension followed us into the empty elevator and thickened as the door closed. I wondered if I would’ve felt the same heat in my panties if Judge or Evan had been alone with me instead.

Decker stood slightly in front of me, so I tipped my head to the side to check out his tight ass in the perfectly draped gym pants. I shrugged off a tingle of lust just as I noticed his hand hovering over the red “STOP” button on the elevator panel. He smiled down at me with suggestive eyes.

“So, Callie,” Deck whispered, “should we?”


I had to admit that I considered jumping him before logic stepped in for the assist, but I decided to call his bluff simply to see his reaction. I surveyed his threads from top to bottom, making sure he noticed my thirst, and I remembered how fuckin’ ripped he was under that hoodie. “Oh yeah. Let’s do it,” I whispered with pretend seduction.

His eyebrows jumped in shock. “Really?”

“No, Deck,” I laughed. “If you want me, you’ll have to wait.”

His dark gaze drifted lower to my lips. “Wait my turn, you mean.”

Damn. He had me there.

My heart slammed between my ribs. “That’s the plan, remember? Your plan?”

The elevator glided to a stop, and the doors split to the empty hallway before us. Deck stepped over the threshold and turned with a sexy smile. “See you later.”

“Sounds good.” I swallowed hard. “Thanks for the company.”

Our eyes remained locked as the silver doors crept closed.

~ • ~

I rode up two more levels to my floor with that last vision of Decker etched in my mind. Shay was emptying her bookbag on the dining room table as I strolled inside our girly sanctuary.


“Hey, girl! Did you get your test?”

I nodded. “Is Mia home yet?”

“She’s changing.”

I slipped from my coat, and my stomach rumbled again. “I’m hella hungry. What are we doing for dinner?”

“Pizza, I think.”

I laughed lightly to myself. “Let’s order one with sausage, okay?”

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